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Advantages of elective Bible study  
Publication: Chattanooga Times Free Press;     
Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Section: Free Press Editorial;     Page:18

Advantages of elective Bible study

One of Chattanooga’s many unique advantages is the offer of elective Bible history courses in many of our middle and high schools on a totally free-choice basis by students and their parents, with certified teachers, at no cost to taxpayers — and in a program that has been approved by U.S. District Court.

No one can be really educated without knowledge of the Bible, since it has had such a widespread and deep effect upon our nation and our whole civilization. That’s why the Public School Bible Study Committee has offered these services to Chattanooga students for well over three-quarters of a century.

Thirteen Bible teachers serve about 3,000 students who elect the courses in 16 local schools. Volunteers raise an annual budget of about $795,000 to assure full pay and benefits for the teachers — while requests by other schools for Bible classes and more teachers have had to be held in abeyance simply because additional funds have not yet been available.

This is a fine example of great curriculum enrichment on a nonsectarian basis for students, teachers, schools and financial supporters — on a totally voluntary basis for all involved. It is a marvelous asset for children and education in Chattanooga.
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