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Dr. Steven G. Hall

Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Louisiana State University


To: Elizabeth Ridenour, President,
National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools


Dear Ms. Ridenour:


Thank you for championing sound curriculum and freedom of learning in public schools. I have reviewed “The Bible as History and Literature” (NCBCPS 1999 version), and have found it quite sound. It encourages students to consider the Bible from many angles, and thus improves thinking and understanding of world and national history. The research done to create this document was obviously considerable and it represents an excellent introduction to this document that provides a backdrop for much of the literature, art, policy and history of our nation and of the world. To censure such a document or to keep such well balanced curriculum out of the public schools would be unconscionable. My understanding is that this would be offered as a voluntary elective in public secondary schools, and would add significantly to the educational value of an overall curriculum. I offer my encouragement in seeking the improvement of public school curricula through the free use of the Bible and other relevant reference materials. If I may be of further assistance, please let me know.



Steven G. Hall, Ph.D., P.E.
Assistant Professor
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
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